We’re thrilled to be working with Plantlife and the National Trust on Gweirgloddiau Gwych Cymru: Magnificent Meadows Wales to create mini-meadows and ‘meadow health routes’ that connect people to meadows and species-rich grassland. The project will draw on the experience of our Green Health Routes programme, which co-designs mapped neighbourhood walking trails for groups and individuals to enjoy their local green spaces.
We will also be working with hospitals in Wales to support the creation of ‘no-mow meadow’ areas at NHS sites: spaces where native wildflowers can bloom and set seed, providing habitats for wildlife and interest for patients and staff. We know from our recent research with NHS Forest sites how much health staff value opportunities to spend time in green space and fresh air, even just taking a short walk outdoors between shifts. Now more than ever we need hospital grounds to be restorative places of life, colour and wonder.
Magnificent Meadows Wales is an ambitious nature recovery programme funded by the Welsh Assembly Government which will see charities and communities across Wales join forces to restore vanishing wild meadows. We look forward to sharing the learning as this exciting project unfolds.