The NHS Forest site at the Pwllheli Leisure Centre is first of its kind as it is a collaboration between NHS Forest and NERS (National Exercise Referral Scheme). Three GP surgeries in the area refer patients to the centre through NERS and are now referring to work in the garden as part of improved health outcomes.

The site is a disused bowling green at the rear of the leisure centre and will be used as a healthy alternative to other exercise regimes. The site has a greenhouse, shed, raised vegetable beds, a seating area and a small orchard of Welsh heritage fruit trees. A polytunnel will be erected soon. The site is well supported by the local community.

In 2018, the garden was re-named the Edible Madog Maethlon, part of the Incredible Edible group.

A team of between three and seven volunteer gardeners maintain this garden, usually from March to November.

The team have said, “we always have positive feedback when we are there; people find it uplifting. It seems to have a lovely food garden there rather than irregularly maintained grass.”

The garden has been enlarged to include two more grassy areas and there are plans to garden around the whole car park (three additional areas) and move into other unloved spaces in the town.

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