Watch these short videos to learn more about our work, and the varied green space activities taking place on NHS Forest sites across our network.

Learn about the NHS Forest and the links between green space and health on healthcare sites.

Our Nature Recovery Rangers

In spring 2021, we embedded our first three Nature Recovery Rangers on healthcare sites across England. This short documentary reveals how they’ve boosted the green space across their sites, and ensured wide engagement with nature.

Hedgerow planting at Aintree Hospital

Our Liverpool ranger Fiona Megarrell planted a wildlife hedgerow in 2021 with the help of hospital staff. She explains the concept and purpose of the meadow, and how she hopes it will benefit staff, patients and biodiversity on this built-up site.

The staff allotment at Southmead Hospital

Southmead’s staff allotment is a space where staff can learn about growing food, and spend a few minutes on their lunchbreaks weeding or watering in the company of our Nature Recovery Ranger. Teaming up with the catering department has been a great way to demonstrate to staff how to cook the fresh produce they have grown.

Mount Vernon Cancer Centre’s site-wide gardening competition

Ranger Karen MacKelvie knew how motivating a bit of healthy competition could be. Her site-wide gardening contest inspired over 100 members of staff to take part, and collectively they have nurtured some of the most unloved corners of Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, turning them into lush, thriving green spaces for the enjoyment of patients and staff.

The Fern Garden opens at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre

In November 2021, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre opened a new Fern Garden beside its chemotherapy suite. Patients can sit in this tranquil, secluded green space, which contains a bespoke wooden shelter where it is hoped that they can receive chemo treatment in the warmer months.

Supporting biodiversity on healthcare sites, with our rangers

Our Nature Recovery Rangers work to support and monitor the hugely diverse flora and fauna that inhabits their hospital sites. They share with us their insights on No Mow May, nectar counts, butterfly surveys and the appearance of rare orchids.

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