Buckinghamshire Healthcare Centre took part in planting two trees at 2pm as part of NHS Sustainability Day of Action on 28 March 2013.
Angela Sinclair, architectural designer, property services, said: “We were delighted to support this important initiative, which not only benefits the environment but helps improve the wellbeing of patients and staff. This is only the starting point of our aim to improve and develop our courtyard spaces across our sites and we would welcome interest from any members of the public or local business community who might like to offer up their time or other resources to join us in achieving this aim.”
Prior to the NHS Sustainability Day of Action, staff from across the Trust were invited to suggest which courtyard they would like to see developed and how would they like the space to be used. 20 entries were received and the two winners were Yeshe Spooner and Clair Harris.
Yeshe’s entry was chosen as she gave a very in-depth suggestion around plants which are suitable to use in a small courtyard space; would encourage birdlife, bees and butterflies; and provide pleasant sights and smells for patients and visitors.
Clair’s entry was chosen for its originality and health-centred focus. She said: “Green gyms offer a broad range of health and well being benefits ranging from increased self-esteem, physical activity, to a sense of connectedness with nature. There has been a huge amount of work done on developing ‘green gyms’ across the country and the idea is in perfect keeping with our trust-wide health promotion strategy.”
A final special recognition is sent to Clare Hillier, runner-up, who considered many different areas of the site and patient groups with suitable suggestions for each area. Her entry showed a real focus on patients and visitors.