St James University Hospital joined the NHS Forest in 2022. They have a rooftop and courtyard garden for staff to unwind and enjoy. They planted 1520 trees in 2022. They said this:

“Biodiversity and improving our green spaces are essential parts of the Trust’s Green Plan. So we were thrilled to take up the opportunity to plant trees at our hospital sites, kindly donated by NHS Forest. St James’s Hospital is located in an area with few green spaces. The trees will add significantly to the site’s natural habitat, visual appearance, and air quality.

The tree planting session was promoted Trust-wide, and 30 staff members volunteered, representing a range of roles, and they were joined by the Trust’s Director of Estates and Facilities Craige Richardson and the Chief Executive Julian Hartley.”

Tree planting at St James University Hospital. Photo: Libby Sutherland. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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