The Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) is part of NHS England and Public Health England and has supported the NHS Forest on three NHS Sustainability Days.


SDU marked the day by planting a giant sequoia tree in the grounds of Capital Park, Fulbourn, near Cambridge. The tree planting is part of the NHS Forest initiative.

NHS Sustainability Day is supported by Prime Minister David Cameron, actor and comedian Stephen Fry and television presenter Chris Packham amongst others.

The tree, Sequoiadendron gigantium, commonly known as the giant sequoia or giant redwood, is often called the largest living thing on earth. It can grow to 80m high with a diameter of 7m. The tree is destined to become a natural landmark in the centuries ahead.

The tree was planted with the cooperation of the sites owners J.P Morgan and XLB Properties and the estate management company, Savills. The tree was supplied by Pickup and Son.

NHS Sustainable Development Unit
NHS Sustainable Development Unit. All rights reserved.


To mark Sustainability Day, the SDU planted a sycamore tree in its grounds in Cambridge as part of the NHS Forest.

The team, along with the site landlords for the NHS Midlands and East Headquarters in Fulbourn, planted the tree which should grow to more than 80 feet tall.

Sonia Roschnick, Operational Director for the SDU, said “We’re delighted to be marking NHS Sustainability day by planting this sycamore tree for everyone who works at the strategic health authority in Fulbourn to enjoy. We hope that by the time is fully grown the NHS will be achieving its targets for being a low carbon and sustainable organisation.”

The SDU team have also made some personal pledges to mark the day including only eating vegetarian food or sustainable local produce, recycling any old clothes and taking to charity and cycling into work, to name just a few.


On 28 March 2012, the SDU planted a beech tree in the business park where they are based. The tree was planted with the cooperation of the sites owners J.P Morgan and XLB Properties and the estate management company, Savills.

David Pencheon, Director of the SDU, said “Over the last five years the NHS has made tremendous progress in reducing green house gas emissions and reducing carbon. 28 March is an opportunity for NHS organisations and staff to celebrate this success and also commit to further action to continue the good work.”

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