Tree Week is a national campaign by the Tree Council and it marks the beginning of the UK’s tree-planting season. This season and next the NHS Forest will be planting 150,000 trees across NHS sites in England.

This year Tree Week runs from 25 November to 3 December and we have sent out over 5500 trees to 29 sites in time for this national event. This is just the start of our tree-planting season with thousands more trees poised to be sent out to healthcare sites over the coming weeks. Tree Week is a great time to think about ordering trees for planting in the new year.

Here are some examples of the tree-planting projects taking place during Tree Week 2023:

This is just a small selection of the wonderful work going on over Tree Week. We hope you can see that scale of planting and the mixture of projects varies greatly. We are so grateful to all of you. By planting trees on NHS sites you are starting the conversation about how trees and our natural environment are intricately linked to our health. Thank you for participating in and adding to the NHS Forest.

This is just the beginning. We are still taking your applications for tree planting for this season! Whether that be 30 trees or 3000 we would love to hear from you. Apply for trees for this season, learn about the bundles available here!

Follow us on Twitter/X for live updates as Tree Week happens.

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