The UK’s parks are potentially under threat if their funding is cut, according to a new government report. State of UK Public Parks, published in 2014, makes a number of recommendations including:
- renewed local authority commitment
- establishing new partnerships
- getting communities more involved
- collecting and sharing new data and
- developing new finance models and rethinking delivery
The NHS Forest is a good example of a new model of public parks, as it involves new partnership, involves the community, and collects and shares data. We’re also feeding into the wider debate about public parks through our membership of working groups and networks, such as the Green Infrastructure Partnership and the Natural England working groups.
At the NHS Forest we regularly collate and update our evidence section and feel it is an important resource, particularly for those of you who need to explain to others the importance of creating the green space on healthcare sites.
Note: This report was updated in 2016, and the 2014 document is no longer available. The most recent study is available here.